Private Individuals : Feel well at home – Wellbeing in your life

Harmonize your habitat,
the installation of the habitat is not neutral. It gives us different information:
Plan, orientation, energies, place occupied by each member of the family.
How to arrange the environment favourable for each one

study >>

Build your house, renovate your apartment.
Right from the start, program favourably the places of life for the people who will live there. How to modify my house or my apartment so that it brings me wellbeing?


Activate your relational and emotional life.
More and more people are living alone, others are badly surrounded and some other had the chance to meet. We all wish to live in harmony with our environment.

Does my habitat answer to those attempts?


Health, forces and weaknesses.
Know your forces and weaknesses, how to sleep in your most favourable direction? Wake up in the morning without being tired? Which orientation? Which room?




Company: Produce better where you live well.


Prevent conflicts.
How to harmonize spaces to allow each one, as well as possible, to work of there capacities?


Increase your profitability.
Which are the rooms allocated to the decision makers, to the sales or financial department in the company? In which environment?
Many companies such as Ikea, Les Galleries Lafayette and others have recourse to Feng Shui to harmonize and favour that way there activities and development.


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