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2205 -1765 before JC: under the Hsia dynasty, the King Yu discovers Lo-shu, diagram registered on the carapace of a tortoise. Appearance of Pa-Kua

1765 - 1121 before JC: under the Chang dynasty a cycle from 60 days is adopted and comprises 6 cycles adding up 360 days. The constellation system is organized according to the system of the 10 celestial trunks and of 12 terrestrial branches.


1122- 475 before JC: under the Tcheou dynasty, with king Wen a great number of texts founders contribute to the evolution of astrology such as: Shi Jing (the book of poetry), Shu Jing (the book of the documents), Chunqui (annals of springs and of autumns)and  I-Ching (the book of the changes) reports the relations between yin and the yang, correspondences between the celestial trunks, terrestrial branches, the 5 elements and the Chinese calendar.
The I-Ching of today is resulting from the Cabbage-I collected by Confucius and Lao Tsheu, the 12 animals are put in correspondence with the 12 terrestrial branches. The emperor Shing, small son of king Wen, develops the geomantic compass.

475 - 221 before JC: under the kingdoms combatants, the astrologer Luo Li Zi work out the 4 binomials or pillars called ASTRO.
206 before JC - 220 after JC: under the HAN dynasty, Sima Qian writes the "Historical Memories on divination", works out the calendar and that of astrology.  

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